Differential Equations and Computational Simulations III
Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Conf. 01, 1997, pp. 193--199.

An inverse problem in a parabolic equation

Zhilin Li & Kewang Zheng

In this paper, an inverse problem in a parabolic equation is studied. An unknown function in the equation is related to two integral equations in terms of heat kernel. One of the integral equations is well-posed while another is ill-posed. A regularization approach for constructing an approximate solution to the ill-posed integral equation is proposed. Theoretical analysis and numerical experiment are provided to support the method.

Published November 12, 1998.
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 35K05, 65R30.
Key words and phrases: Coefficients identification, ill-posedness, regularization.

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Zhilin Li
Department of Mathematics and
Center for Research in Scientific Computation
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8205 USA
E-mail address: zhilin@math.ncsu.edu
Kewang Zheng
Department of Mathematics
Hebei University of Science & Technology
Hebei 050018, China

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