Seppo Heikkila
Existence of the smallest, greatest, minimal, maximal and unique
continuous solutions to distributional Cauchy problems, as well
as their dependence on the data, are studied.
The main tools are a continuous primitive integral and fixed point
results in function spaces.
Submitted February 28, 2011. Published August 25, 2011.
Math Subject Classifications: 26A24, 26A39, 34A12, 34A36, 47B38, 47H07, 58D25.
Key Words: Distribution; primitive integral; continuous; Cauchy problem;
fixed point; smallest solution; greatest solution;
minimal solution; maximal solution.
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Seppo Heikkilä Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Oulu, BOX 3000 FIN-90014 University of Oulu, Finland email: |
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