Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Vol. 2002(2002), No. 55, pp. 1-8.

Positive periodic solutions of nonlinear functional difference equations

Youssef N. Raffoul

In this paper, we apply a cone theoretic fixed point theorem to obtain sufficient conditions for the existence of multiple positive periodic solutions to the nonlinear functional difference equations
 x(n+1)=a(n)x(n)\pm \lambda h(n) f(x(n-\tau(n))).

Submitted December 22, 2001. Published June 13, 2002.
Math Subject Classifications: 39A10, 39A12.
Key Words: Cone theory, positive, periodic, functional difference equations.

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Youssef N. Raffoul
Department of Mathematics
University of Dayton
Dayton, OH 45469-2316 USA
e-mail: youssef.raffoul@notes.udayton.edu

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