Eun Heui Kim
We establish the existence of a positive solution for anisotropic singular
quasilinear elliptic boundary-value problems. As an example
of the problems studied we have
with zero Dirichlet boundary condition, on a bounded convex domain in
. Here
, and
r are positive constants.
When 0< r< 1 (sublinear case), for each positive
there exists a positive solution. On the other hand when
r>1 (superlinear case),
there exists a positive constant
such that for
there exists a positive solution, and for
there is no positive solution.
Submitted January 11, 2000. Published February 29, 2000.
Math Subject Classifications: 35J65, 35J70.
Key Words: anisotropic, singular, sublinear, superlinear,
elliptic boundary-value problems.
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